
Goodwe solar inverters are a game-changing addition to any solar panel unit. They expertly convert DC electricity from the solar panels into usable AC electricity for your home. Nonetheless, like any electrical device, they’re not entirely immune to issues. When your Goodwe solar inverter encounters an error or fails to function, it might be challenging to determine the cause, but it doesn’t have to spell disaster.

This guide provides clear solutions to troubleshoot and understand common error codes associated with Goodwe solar inverters. Whether you’re a homeowner curious about the illuminating lights on your device or an engineer searching for a solution, this article is a valuable resource. It’s time to conquer common problems like a Houston solar repair expert.

Quick Summary

Understanding the common error codes in Goodwe solar inverters and ways to troubleshoot them can prevent temporary hitches from turning into costly damages. This comprehensive guide encompasses identification and easy problem-solving techniques.

Understanding Error Codes

The key to troubleshooting Goodwe solar inverters is comprehending the error codes. These error codes are communications from your solar inverter, providing insight into the underlying issue. It’s essential to understand what these codes mean to provide proper solar inverter repairs and prevent the issue from exacerbating.

The following are the prevalent error codes you might encounter with Goodwe Solar inverters:

  • E1 – Over Voltage
  • E2 – Under Voltage
  • E3 – Over Frequency
  • E5 – Over Temperature
  • E6 – PV Isolation Low
  • E7 – Grid Fault

Troubleshooting Common Error Codes

Now that we’ve proficiently cracked the code, let’s delve into the troubleshooting aspect of these common error codes.

E1 and E2 are voltage issues. They occur when the grid voltage goes outside the inverter’s operating range. When this happens, the inverter will disconnect from the grid. If the issue persists, it is best to check if other devices in your home are experiencing a similar problem and contact your energy provider to ensure your grid voltage is within the expected range.

Goodwe Solar Inverter Maintenance

Regular maintenance is a form of preventative medicine for solar inverters. When done right, it can help prevent common issues from arising. Remember, a well-maintained inverter significantly improves its lifespan and overall performance. It’s prudent to seek professional solar panel servicing to uphold the efficiency level.

Goodwe solar inverter maintenance includes firmware updates, checking system performance, and ensuring that all connections are tight and secure. Cleaning the inverter to prevent dust buildup is also crucial.

When to Contact a Professional

At times, troubleshooting and maintenance might not fix an issue or prevent it from recurring. When this happens, it’s time to call a professional. Don’t risk damaging your equipment or compromising your safety by trying to fix a persistent problem yourself.

When it comes to solar inverter problems, a professional is always the best resource for diagnosing and resolving the issue. Experts have the knowledge, tools, and experience to quickly assess what’s wrong and take the necessary steps to fix it.


In conclusion, understanding Goodwe solar inverter error codes and applying basic troubleshooting steps can help keep your photovoltaic system running smoothly. However, if the issues persist or you are uncertain of how to address the problem, it is always wise to contact a professional.

Remember, solar inverters, are integral to the efficient operation of your solar system. Skilled solar panel repairs experts are always ready to diagnose and resolve any issues to keep your system running at peak performance. Let’s keep the sun shining on your solar energy system.


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